Tuesday, June 16, 2015

can't escape the negative thoughts

Its a Tuesday, I am at work just like every other day. But just like so many days before I can't concentrate on my to do list. I keep staring at the computer or look at your little flowered password book with the "M" on the cover flipping through its pages of your handwriting. I always touch it, running my fingers over the letters, I can feel the ones written in ball point pen etched into the pages a little. I love the Ms and the Ls, and the funny passwords you came up with for websites that made you change it to often (man we both hated that)! Then I am looking at your emails where you saved "The Letter" and I am tumbling down the rabbit hole of despair, anger and sadness.

I know it has only be 7 months since you left, but most days the pain I feel inside is unbearable, and I constantly feel like the only person in the whole world that feels like this. Like I am alone and no one could ever possibly understand. I need to crawl out of the hole but I do not know how. And you are not here to help.

Your Daughter